Namu Animation Studio announced the film adaptation of the manga ” Shuudengo, Capsule Hotel de, Joushi ni Binetsu Tsutawaru Yoru.”from the popular author Meg (25-sai no Joshikousei). The broadcast is scheduled for Monday 8 October at 1 am and then every next Monday. The plot revolves around the office worker Minori and her boss Hadano. They constantly argue with each other about all sorts of trifles and sometimes these disputes can …Year: 2018 Year.Source: MangaGenre: Big tits, Romance, All sexDuration: ?ep. 5min.language: SubtitlesQuality: WEB-720PXRelease date: 08.10.2018Original name: 終電後、カプセルホテルで、上司に微熱伝わる夜。English name: Shuudengo, Capsule Hotel de, Joushi ni Binetsu Tsutawaru Yoru.Director: Araki HidekiStudio: Namu Animation