Studio T-Rex and Lune announced an anime adaptation of the hentai manga “Megane no Megami” authored by Katsura Yoshihiro. “What’s wrong with this world? I have a fetish for girls with glasses…” The protagonist of the story Hiro-kun-an ordinary Japanese boy who just loves girls with glasses. He was incredibly lucky, because Kurumizawa Hitomi his girlfriend and she is just incredibly sexy with glasses. Every day …The “Glasses Girls x Comic” original by Mr. Yoshihiro Katsura, which is presented by intense erotic production group René Pictures, is OVA!Hiroki of transcendent fetish fetish with “Amazing dark-haired lady’s girlfriend of glasses girl” and “Cool short-haired intellectual beauty sister”.
Hiroki who explodes a maniac sexual intercourse to two cute girls and a lonesome sister leads a happy school life …Year: 2019 Year.Source: MangaGenre: Big tits, Oral sex, GlassesDuration: 2ep. 15min.language: SubbedQuality: WEB-720PXRelease date: 2019/06/07Original name: OVAメガネnoメガミEnglish name: OVA Megane no megamiDirector: Raika KenStudio: Lune, T-Rex